Public Questions

Alderman Robin Sider BEM

Each year, The Royal Horticultural Society organises a competition called ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood.’ It attracts some 4000 entries, and is open to all boroughs throughout the country, and is designed to encourage community groups to promote horticulture and gardens in their respective communities. Last year, the entry of Shepperton Village Conservation Group was graded as ‘Thriving.’ This year they were graded ‘Outstanding’ for their work on Lords Bridge Garden which is located at the bottom of Shepperton High Street. To have been in competition with some 4000 entries from all over the country, will the Leader of the Council join me in congratulating Shepperton Village Conservation Group on this magnificent achievement?



Alderman Robin Sider BEM

The new leisure centre demonstrates the boroughs ‘pursuance of health and fitness.’ Will the Leader of the Council join me in congratulating the Contractors for their construction, Officers for their diligence in overseeing the project, and those members of the Council who had the courage to support this vision several years ago and who have no seen this wonderful achievement come to fruition?